I didn't take too many pics in Orlando, but I had to stop and snap a photo of the Beefy King sign...Too cool!

This is one of the first pieces I sold. I love this one, but it went to a great home.

Here's some more of my show at Will's Pub. It was all part of Floridas Dying Records' 6th anniversary celebration. There were a ton of really great bands playing all weekend. It was so much fun, and I highly recommend catching the Jacuzzi Boys and Cop City/Chill Pillars on their US tours this spring.

The next 4 paintings were also shipped to Florida right after these pictures were taken.

The next two paintings, "Demon Dork" and "Demon Dweeb" JUST got mailed off to Victoria, BC Canada for a group show at Talk's Cheap records.

This owl necklace is what Melanie got for Valentine's day.

...Speaking of Valentine's day, these velvet-ish plastic cats were probably someone's V-day gift in the early 70's. We picked them up last month in Lansing, Michigan, while we were in town on a mission for Vietnamese food(which I fell in love with in Florida, and isn't available anywhere near my town).

The little Eskimo has 3 different faces, but the crying one is by far the best. I grabbed this off eBay for cheap. I've seen a ton of them around over the years, but they usually seem to be priced a bit higher than I feel like paying(which isn't much). The deer is from Hog Creek, a local-ish antique mall. It's the same place I found the owl necklace. I don't really know anything about the deer other than it's made in Japan, and I assume it's from the 60's.

I've had my eye on this Kreiss Psycho Ceramics beatnik for a couple years...Every time we'd hit the antique store it was in, I'd check to see if the price came down, which after a while, it did...half price even...but that was still a little higher than I could convince myself to pay. Then last week, I checked and it was gone. Bummer!
Luckily, it was gone because Melanie had bought if for me as a valentine's present.

This big-eyed lion doesn't have any marking besides 'Japan', but it's obviously made by Enesco, just like these cats. I happened across this on eBay while I was looking for something else that I found and was eventually out-bid on. Luckily, I won the lion.

Damn, eBay is addictive. every couple years, we go on a big eBay binge, and we're in middle of a big one right now. I HAD TO HAVE THIS BANK!!! Seriously. Cyclopes cave woman? Sold! My picture didn't turn out great, so I actually am posting the one that the seller posted on eBay. It was made in Japan by Napco.
I was floored when I saw this peaking out of a dark corner in the antique mall last week. This awesome, almost 3 foot tall mid-century wall hanging was made by Happy Things Inc, and is now one of my favorite possessions...and a total steal at $15!

I've been wanting some original art(that I didn't do) for my walls for some time. A couple months ago I found this CZM painting on eBay, and after a fierce bidding war, it now hangs in my living room next to my front door(though this pic was taken in my bathroom, because my living room has bad lighting). Check out CZM's great artwork here.

I'm already brainstorming my next post...and hopefully I'll find some time to do it soon...I hate all these big gaps between posts. Also, I hopefully will have some art merch to peddle on here soon.